"St. Aidan's Episcopal Church is committed to experiencing and demonstrating God's love through eucharistic worship, prayer, study, and action. We strive to be a nurturing, spiritual Christian community, strengthened by the participation of our members, the example of our youth, and our collaboration with our sister congregation, Northside Presbyterian Church. We embrace diversity and seek to understand it. With our partners in faith and community, we endeavor to be good stewards of all God's creation and to speak out for justice."
The parish was founded in 1966 as a mission of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church to the north side of Ann Arbor. From its inception, St. Aidan's has been an experiment in ecumenism, sharing in building and program with Northside Presbyterian Church.
Click HERE to learn more about Northside Associated Ministries.
In 1980, St. Aidan's was granted independent parish status within the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. The church's first rector was The Rev. Richard O. Singleton and its second rector was The Rev. William Melnyk. The third rector was The Rev. Susan E. McGarry. The current Vicar is The Rev. Judith Harmon.
Through its history, in addition to its ecumenical activity, St. Aidan's has emphasized support for a variety of liturgical expressions within the rich Episcopal tradition, personal spiritual growth, application of the gospel in our lives and community, and social action by our members.
The twenty-year partnership with Northside Presbyterian Church is formalized in the entity of Northside Associated Ministries (NAM). This joint corporation owns the land and building and provides shared activity in Christian education for both children and adults, youth programming and social action.
Today we are a growing congregation. Our worship is centered in the Holy Eucharist (Communion) and is at the same time reverent and informal. Healing and prayer services, as well as joint worship with our sister congregation add to our worship life.
Our relationship with Northside Presbyterian remains strong. Together as Northside Associated Ministries, we
+ maintain our building.
+ explore God's word through both child and adult Christian education.
+ reach out to the community and world.
+ care for our children who are not just welcome but active partners in our common life.
St. Aidan's was named for its patron saint, Aidan of Lindisfarne, the "Apostle of Northumbria." Aidan was an Irish monk from St.Columba's monastery on the island of Iona and was a missionary, later Bishop, to the north of England from 635 CE until his death at Bambourgh in 651. Based on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne off the northeast coast of England, Aidan carried the gospel throughout the midlands of pagan England. Although the island had been settled during the Stone Age, Aidan is credited as being its first recorded inhabitant when he established a Celtic-style monastery on its heights, later to be one of the first sacked by the Vikings. He was known for his gentle manner, his gifts as an evangelist, and his ministry to the poor.
Click HERE to learn more about St. Aidan.
Stated simply, "episcopal" means "bishop" in Greek and refers to the organizational structure of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Lay Persons. Being an Episcopal Church, St. Aidan's is a member parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan (EDOMi) which is led by The Right Reverend Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr., Bishop. EDOMi in turn is a diocese within the The Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA) which is led by The Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori. The diocese is governed by convention of the clergy and three lay representatives from each parish meeting annually. The national church is governed by General Convention of the bishops and deputations from each of the dioceses meeting every three years.
Click HERE to learn more about the Episcopal Church.
In a denominational context, the term "Anglican" means the Church of England and frequently refers to the worldwide Anglican Communion, an affiliation of autonomous national churches who identify with the precepts of the Church of England as established by the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559. The Church of England was defined as being both catholic in its form of worship and respect for tradition and protestant in its theology and reverence of the Bible. Albeit; scripture, tradition, and reason are given equal authority within Anglicanism.
The Episcopal Church USA became the first province following the American Revolution; subsequently, thirty-six additional provinces have made affiliation. The Anglican Church of Canada is one such province. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, (pictured right) Primate of England, serves as the presiding official at all gatherings of the communion, primarily the Lambeth Conference which meets every ten years at Lambeth Palace, London.
Click HERE to learn more about the worldwide Anglican Communion.
St. Aidan’s has from the begining been outward looking in its life and ministry, especially in the areas of hunger, shelter, crisis relief, addiction, peace and justice, spirituality, and environmental sustainability. There are multiple activities where everyone's interest can be fullfilled, too many to list on this page. Please advance to the Outreach Ministries Page.
The Rev. Dr. Judith Harmon earned a Doctorate in Ministry from Seabury in Evanston in 2009. Her resume indicates a genuine interest in working with children, serving as a catechist at St. John's in Plymouth prior to her ordination and more recently including leading a children's bell choir at Trinity in St. Clair Shores. She led day retreats at the Church of Incarnation in Ann Arbor and taught classes in Old Testament and Preaching for Lay Persons at the Whitaker School. Dr. Harmon is married, has two daughters and three "bonus" sons and two granddaughters. She is an outdoor enthusiast and likes to camp. | |
Ellen Magee, Administrative Assisstant The church office is open: Tues. thru Fri. 10:00AM to 2:00PM |
The Bishop's Committee are the agents and legal representatives of the church in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the church to its Clergy. At St. Aidan's the Bishop's Committee has six members who serve three year terms. Two new Bishop's Committee members are elected each year to replace the graduating class. The Bishop's Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month and for at least one full Saturday meeting in the spring.
Members of the Bishop's Committee are also serve on the Board of Trustees and the Joint Assembly of Northside Associated Ministries, which meets semi-annually during May and November.
The Senior and Junior Wardens must be members of the Bishop's Committee and are elected by the body. The Wardens consult with the Vicar concerning the goals, directions and purposes of the church and oversee matters that particularly pertain to the Bishop's Committee.
The current Officers are:Senior Warden: Kim Zaugg Junior Warden: Janet Lamb Secretary: Cindy Pierson Treasurer: Alan Vayda Financial Secretary: George Harmon |
The current Bishop's Committee members are:Class of 2014: Michael Earle, Stephen Uche Class of 2015: Janet Lamb, Jim Pierson Class of 2016: Kim Zaugg, Sue Smereck |
Although the Clergy, St Aidan's Bishop's Committee, Northside Presbyterian's Session, and the Joint Assembly oversee the health of the community and establish broad goals, specific objectives originate and are achieved in the various committees. Everyone is encouraged be good stewards of their talents and all are welcome to participate on as many committees as interest you.
St Aidan's Bishop's Committee is currently reorganizing the committee structure.
Social Action Committee educates and helps involve our congregations in social outreach ministries both globally and locally. Its members come from at large in both congregations.
Contact: Rose Maxwell
Education Committee is responsible for oversight of the Adult and Children's Education programs, the Youth Group and the Nursery for both congregations. Everything from Sunday School to Lenten Potluck programs are on its agenda. New members are always welcome.
Contact: Kim Zaugg
Property and Finance Committee is charged with the care of the jointly owned property. Repairs, renovations, and general oversight of upkeep all fall in its purview. It is in serious need of committed membership.
Contact: Marian Laughlin
Communications and Publicity Committee facilitates and enhances communication within our two congregations and coordinates advertising activities.
Contact: Ellen Magee
Acolytes are persons of all ages who serve the priest during liturgical worship services with specific tasks such as carrying the cross and candles during processions, holding the Bible for readings of the Gospel, presenting the offerings, and assisting in preparing the altar for Eucharist (Communion).
Contact: Kim Zaugg
The Altar Guild is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, and preparation of the physical elements for worship. These include the candles, altar linens, communion vessels, bread, and wine. The Altar Guild assures that the worship area is clean and sets up for services. Needless to say, there is also cleanup after services.
Contact: Sue Smereck
The Choir enriches our worship through musical offerings on a periodic basis, especially on holy days.
Contact: Susan Wyman
Lay Readers are persons licensed by the Bishop to read the Bible lessons, lead the congregation in the Psalms and prayers, distribute the wine at Communion and conduct prayer services at the discretion of the Priest.
Contact: Kim Zaugg
The Pastoral Care Team, a.k.a. "Mom-squad," provides for the physical and emotional care needs of the church community such as hospital vigils, meals, shopping, and house cleaning during convolescense, and transportation.
Contact: Susan Wyman