
The church in the woods that demonstrates God's Love through inclusive community, thoughtful exploration, loving service, and dedication to ecological ministry

The Rev. Tom Ferguson, Rector

Our children's area has been updated to support neurodiverse children. We have a paid childcare worker and a volunteer supervising children during our church services.

Childcare Area 1 Childcare Area 2

We are holding in-person worship services every Sunday at 10AM
and also making them available on Zoom.
Contact webmaster@staidan.org to get the Zoom connection information.

All are welcome! All are welcome flag

St. Aidan's Going Green

Interfaith Partners for the Environment

We take our role as stewards of God's creation very seriously and
St. Aidan's is the first congregation in Michigan to join the GreenFaith Certification Program. MORE

St. Aidan's/Northside Presbyterian Natural Habitat MORE

Services for Easter

March 5 6:30PM
Ash Wednesday

April 13 10AM
Palm Sunday Holy Eucharist

April 16 6:30PM

April 17 6:30PM
Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist

April 18 Noon
Good Friday

April 20 10AM
Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist

St. Aidan's Retreat Center

"Get up and eat, lest the journey be too hard for you,"

St. Aidan's is proud to offer our beautiful natural setting to others as a nurturing milieu for spiritual growth and inspiration so that we can all, like Elijah, continue the journey as servants of God.